Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pier 14 San Francisco

Crouching Spider on Pier 14 caught my eye on Spring Break 2007. I did not have a tri-pod so a steady hand was challenging to say the least.
I loved San Francisco and all the diversity. I need to go through those pictures again because I am sure there are some treasures that I have forgotten. I found this picture by accident while looking for something else tonight.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Computers and Beagles

This unique advertisement caught my eye while driving a two-lane highway with my wife. I have been back since and the Beagles sign has been replaced with some other "good" for sale.
I have not taken the time to upload many of the unique pictures of signs that I stop to appreciate, but Computers-Beagles is one of my favorites along with, "Rabbits for sale: cuddly and nutritious"
Most people who see this picture do not get a kick out of it the way I do.


Honeymoon in Maui.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Search for Jimmy Chitwood

The 2009 edition of my secret hoop out in the woods. reminds me of Hoosiers even though Jimmy had a clear patch of dirt to shoot from.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sun Flower

Portland, Oregon along the Skyline Blvd. on a sunny July day.


A little Photoshop fun with this Seattle beach picture.

Family ties

August. M-57 near Fulton, Michigan. A great drive with my son on our way to a small town baseball game.
This picture was one of those ones where I drove by and kept going for about a mile and then decided I had better turn around for another look. I had a feeling that the tractor might look better in a framed photograph than it did in the vast wide open space.
My instinct was right. In some weird way this picture represents a small part of who I am. It ties me to the Gregory side of my family even though I have never driven a tractor, bailed hay, milked a cow or done any farm work. My life does not resemble life on the farm and most assuredly never will, but somehow I continue to think that is part of who I am.
Funny how a simple photo can say so much.

Detroit for a Day

In the summer of 2008, I drove down to Detroit on a Tuesday morning and spent the day taking pictures. I found plenty of subjects and really tried to "see" the city that I had only visited for Detroit Tigers baseball games.

I was in Detroit for about seven hours and I look forward to my next visit on my own with my camera. Unfortunately, this tough city is even tougher now since the unemployment rate is inching toward 25%, which is the same figure (25%) that represents the high school graduation rate in the city. I know Detroit is not all bad and with the addition of some more pictures to this blog, I hope to show that.

If you look closely, you can see bullet holes in the Sam's sign.